Iacopo Fedi. Musician. Born in Ascoli Piceno on 19/08/1987. I came across blues and Hegel at the age of about 15! It's been downhill ever since. Surely this is the life Cain died for? What does the unity of unity and disunity in modern contemporary democracy mean? I studied Philosophy in Rome with Donatella di Cesare and I have been lucky enough to play with various bands since the age of 16. I have recorded a range of material and self-produced various records, God forgive me. I have been teaching electric guitar for five years. I’ve always liked playing loud and the police have been called on various occasions to venues I’ve played at. I recently studied composing at Mogol’s CET and began work as a pizza chef and a philosophy and history teacher. I drive a highly sensual black Chevrolet Cruze. I drive it divinely. I’m currently writing and composing new music and working to produce two new albums.